please support Dana Hills High School C.R.Y Club
Amount Raised : $0.00
Team Goal : $1,000
Event Date : November 03, 2019
Dear Friends,
Growing up in the US surrounded by basic comforts, daily conveniences, and unlimited opportunities is a huge privilege and blessing. This awareness came to us when we traveled to India and see young kids out of school, abused, neglected and forced into child labor. Born into poverty and hardship, they never get the childhood & joy that we all deserve. They are sharp, spunky and seem so eager to learn and go to school (something we take for granted, right?) but the circumstances of their life have robbed them of this RIGHT. They also lack other basic rights like nutrition, health, and security. This was both eye-opening and heart-breaking for us to witness.
You know how we are taught, “When you see something, SAY something?” Well, we are taking it one step further to ALSO DO SOMETHING.
We students of Dana Hills High School C.R.Y Teen Club have come together to form a Child Rights & You Teen Chapter here at the CRY Club at school to raise awareness and funds to support these children in India kids and also underprivileged kids in our own cities in the US.
On Sunday, Nov 3, 2019, we’re hosting a Walkathon & 5K/10K run at Laguna Niguel Regional Park in Orange County to raise donations and funds that go directly towards projects that restore these 4 basic rights to children that need a little helping hand.
Please, join us at the event and open your hearts & wallets to this cause and help us make a difference in our small way. CRY America is a 501c3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible.
If you can make any contribution to this event, please so do. No amount is too small-every dollar makes a huge difference. If you have a business please consider a corporate sponsorship or a raffle item donation for the Walkathon.
Please email or for any questions or if there is some way you can help!
Jaden Fitter & Natasha Shetty
Dana Club Team Captains