CRY San Antonio
Run/Walk For Child Rights 2018


**** San Antonio Mayor’s Fitness Council Endorsed Event ****

Kick off your day with a healthy, family friendly run/walk presented by Child Rights & You America. The event will have a pet and stroller friendly 5K/1K walk or run. We have Fun Costume Run for Kids!! Do not miss being dressed in your best favorite Costume!!!

Our goal is to promote community health, to raise awareness about children’s issues, and to raise funds to address those issues. This event aims to bring people from all walks of life together to make a difference.

“When you take a step forward for the Children, you help create lasting change!!

Event Time:
7:00 AM : Registration & Packet Pickup
8:00 AM: 1K Fun Run Start
8:30 AM: 5K Start
9:30 AM: Awards

Event Attractions:

  • Pet and stroller friendly Run/Walk – 5K and 1K
  • Costume Run/Walk for Kids
  • Many many exciting Raffle Prizes – Jewelry from Kendra Scott; Passes from SeaWorld,  Altitude Trampoline Park, SA Zoo; $50 Best Choice Product Coupon; $50 Picaboo Coupon & more!!!
  • Special Prize for highest fund raiser;
  • Awards for winners across various categories for 5K;
  • Participant medals for all Children 12 Years or below;
  • All registered participants will receive a confirmed event T-shirt if registered on or before Jan 25, 2019.
  • All participants receive a lovely “I am a Child Rights Champion” badge as a credit to you making a difference!



Get your individual registration fee fully refunded, by taking another small step for Child Rights!

Use the “Raise Funds” button, register and create a Fundraiser Page. If you are registered for the race, use the same name and email matching your race registration.  You can describe your campaign and submit it. Share the link to your family in friends in Social Media.

If you are able to raise $100, your individual registration fee will be fully refunded!!! This is only applicable for online registrations.

Packet Pick-up:

Thursday, Feb. 21
3 PM – 7 PM
iRun Texas, 2602 NW, TX-1604 Loop #106
San Antonio, TX 78248

Timing Partner: iRun Texas

Contact Us at for any questions.
View Venue on Google Map View Action Center

Photo Gallery


Pia Nathani $5
Kiran Ramachandran $500
Prashant Nambisan $108
Anjali Aravind $108
kalaichelvi Asokan $100
Beneta Parthiban $98
Anonymous $98
Megha Sahay $51
Parul Mehta $50
Geetha Krishnamoorthy $25
Jalpa Mehta $25
Mayank Kaushal $20
Meagan Siddiqui $20
Sudha Sundaram $11
Kishore Baba Ummadisetty $5

Team Names

CRY America Impact