CRY Raleigh Walk For Child Rights 2018

Our annual CRY Walk for Child Rights will be organized to bring individuals together with the belief that “change is possible, because we will make it possible.” Come make a statement and give wings to children’s dreams with us on this day!

Event Time:
9:30 AM : Registration
10:00 AM: Run/Walk Start
11:00 AM onwards: Games/Activities/Food

Event Attractions:

  • Pet and stroller friendly Run/Walk
  • Costume Run/Walk for Kids
  • Certificates of participants
  • Games & activities for everyone! – Group dances, soccer games, and more!
  • All registered participants will receive a confirmed event T-shirt if registered on or before Sep 15, 2018



Get your individual registration fee fully refunded, by taking another small step for Child Rights!

Use the “Raise Funds” button, register and create a Fundraiser Page. If you are registered for the race, use the same name and email matching your race registration.  You can describe your campaign and submit it. Share the link to your family in friends in Social Media.

If you are able to raise $100, your individual registration fee will be fully refunded!!! This is only applicable for online registrations.

Contact Us at for any questions or sponsorship opportunities.
View Venue on Google Map View Action Center

Photo Gallery


Anonymous $600
Malay and Mamatha Agrawal $400
Prasada Devarasetty $200
Nishant Singh $101
Shauna Farmer $100
Anonymous $51
Nishant Singh $51
David Tilly $51
Sridhar Oruganti $50
Curtis Tilly $31
Rachel Tilly $30
jeanne phipps $25
Vishy Makthal $25
Ashwin Senthil $20
Ziad Ali $20
Prashant Naganaboyina $15
Lacey Vickery $15
Lily Breitinger $10
Justin Zhao $10
Swetha Pugal $10
McKenzie McCarthy $10
Michael Valor $10
Courtney Beddoe $10
Sutton Scoggins $10
Gillian Higgins $10
Kelsey Griffith $5
Anonymous $10


Radhika Pal $1,101
Rachel Tilly $327
Anisha Verma $10

Team Names

C.R.Y High School Ch... $387

CRY America Impact