CRY San Diego Walk 2024


Congratulations on reaching the goal!

You're a child rights champion!

NoJoin the CRY San Diego Walk for Child Rights on Sunday, September 22 & help vulnerable children stay hopeful of a better future!

CRY America believes that “YOU” can empower children’s dreams and that your support ensures that thousands of children are able to go to sleep educated, healthy and protected from child labor, child marriage & child abuse.

Here are the details:
Date: Sunday September 22, 2024
Time: 8AM – 11AM PST
Venue: NTC Park, Liberty Station
2455 Cushing Rd, San Diego, CA 92106

Activities: 5k Walk/ run, Fun games

Register to walk or run.  Also, you can register as a fundraiser to encourage your friends and family to support your effort to help children in need!  Set up a fundraising page when you register!

You can also contact for group discounts

Request you to donate generously to the cause of children as they have suffered greatly due to the pandemic. CRY Projects are working hard to keep our children safe & protected in this Covid world.


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Anil Tata $200
Anil Tata $200
Anil Tata $200
Aditi Pai $98
Monisha Talwar $51
Meena Berma $50
Shriya Satish $25
Tanida Apiwattanachai $20
Anonymous $20
Anil Tata $1,200
Anil Tata $800
Anil Tata $400
Rajkumar Malli $250
Anonymous $197
Urvil Shah ( Boston) $149
Divya Muralidhar $101
Anonymous $100
Naveen Gupta $100
Ritu Gupta $100
Prasanth Balaji $98
Jyothi Pantulu $80
Anonymous $51
Hardik Rupareliya $51
Vandana Parnami $51
Eleanor Hopkins $51
Poonam Dharmesh $50
Poonam Dharmesh $50
Poonam Dharmesh $50
Shavita Diddee $50
Neeta Sharma $50
Aswini Prasannamurthy $30
Smita Murthy $30
Anonymous $25
Rupal Kalapanda $25
Pratap C $25
Anonymous $25
Asha Kankanala $25
Anonymous $20
Rashmi Jha $10


Team Names

CRY America Impact