Help girls reclaim their freedom to explore their true potential.
Meet Chandni. As a child, she grew up within the walls of her small community, where the only way to survive was through sex work. One by one, every young girl’s freedom of choice was taken by this precedent. Chandni watched as her aunts and elder sister were coerced into this lifestyle, dreading the moment she would be forced to do the same.
CRY America’s Project Samvedna opened new doors for Chandni. After discovering her plight, CRY emphasized the boundless opportunities Chandni will have through completing her education, convincing her family to take a different path.
Chandni had been given back the reins to her life, with which she opened door after door to follow her dreams. With her education and freedom, she reached her goal of becoming a part of India’s paramilitary forces. She is not only surviving, but chasing her potential and becoming the best version of herself.
There are many other girls like Chandni struggling to break free of their confinement and pursue their passion. This disparity between choices given to girls and boys has widened because of the COVID pandemic. Girls are being pushed into child marriage and child labor more frequently, especially in underprivileged sectors of society.
CRY America is actively working to ensure that every girl has the opportunity to get an education and follow their dreams. Please donate to this campaign to support our future leaders, doctors, teachers, and dreamers.
Every penny makes a difference. Donate now to help open doors for girls like Chandni. #WomenofTomorrow