CRY, Child Rights and You America Inc, is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing access of healthcare, nutrition, and educational opportunities for underprivileged children. Our focus is to ensure that every child’s rights are protected and honored in a society that is built on respect, dignity, justice, and equity for all.
The CRY Seattle Youth chapter’s goal is to expand CRY’s mission by empowering the voices of our next generation. To promote support for the cause, we organize fundraisers including cultural events, dancing celebrations, 5K walkathons, and concerts. Our vision is centered on engaging and inspiring youth to support local and global communities.
Completed Events
• 2021-2024 5k Walks
• 2024: Holi, Dandia, Uphaar, Allgos (all events youth team members engaged in)
Contact information
• Contact us for volunteering opportunities and more info!
• Email: youthteam@cryseattle.org
• Follow us on insta @youthcryamericaboard