Underprivileged children need attention right now because today’s children will be tomorrow’s adults, and if we cannot guarantee rights to children right now, it will become an even greater problem tomorrow.
I have been volunteering for CRY for 5 years. As we go about our daily privileged lives, it’s hard to imagine how some children struggle for the basics in life (food, shelter and education). CRY America’s value of a healthy life begins with a healthy childhood strongly resonates with what I believe in. I believe that if I can’t make life better for a hundred children, I can at least do it for one. Thank you CRY for giving me this opportunity to affect thousands of children across the world.
Every child is precious and should have a dignified and happy childhood, free from the clutches of child labor, fear and diseases. CRY America has promoted equal inclusion of every child, by encouraging communities to provide opportunities and protection to girls & boys and by preventing violations faced by children. CRY America has also provided a path to individuals – activists, volunteers, donors – that we can traverse together to create a world that has equal opportunities for all the children.