Patrick Bocco’s 100k Bike4Kids 2021




Thank you for visiting my Bike 4 Kids page!  On Sunday, October 24th, I am doing a 100k charity bike ride on the Columbia Trail in High Bridge, NJ to help underprivileged kids during this COVID pandemic.  The money I raise will benefit CRY America.  Last year I incredibly raised $17,000 for my 100k bike ride thanks to the generosity of my family and friends!

Innocent children are the greatest victims of this global pandemic. Children rely on school not only to learn but also for food and protection. The COVID pandemic has caused a rise in child labor, marriage and trafficking. CRY America partners with expert organizations in the US and India to ensure these abused and exploited children are protected and enrolled in school.

Please support my 100k charity bike ride and kindly make a tax deductible contribution to ensure children are protected and stay safe!  Please also maximize your gift with a matching gift from your employer!

Thank you for helping me give kids a childhood and future!

Contact: Patrick Bocco:

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Anonymous $1,000
Angel Ortiz Johnson & Johnson matching gift $668
Meenakshi Mahajan $500
susmita gupta $500
Angel Rivera $400
Johnson & Johnson Matching $400
Jagruti Bansal $396
Angel Rivera $340
Steven Stilman $320
Kenin Ayala $300
Purvi and Rishi $300
Steven Stilman $300
Nishant Singh $298
Sachit Muckaden $298
Derek Danton $298
Anonymous $298
Maureen Devas $298
Avaya Khandelwal $298
Larry Slater $250
Charles Sciarra $250
Larry Slater $250
Rupal Patil $250
Brendan McSherry $250
Derek Danton $250
Shawn Frost $250
Anonymous $248
Anonymous $200
Raymond Davis $200
Derrick Alba $200
Charles Leonardi $200
Anonymous $200
Brad McKinney $200
Zubin Fitter $200
Roopam Jain $200
Raymond Davis $200
Parminder Grewal $200
Intuit Matching $200
Jessica Diaz $197
Anonymous $197
Charles Sciarra $197
Kenin Ayala $197
Dominick Pepe $197
Daniel Ryan $197
Shawn Frost $197
Sofia Ayala $151
Wanda Moreno $150
Julian Grant $150
Serena Boyd $150
Fred Eisinger $150
Andrew Kaleiwahea $150
Jose Avilez $150
Gary Paul Wright $138
Jessica Diaz $138
Noel De La Rosa $138
Josh Ofrane $138
Diane D\'Amore $138
Nrike Preciado $138
Nishant Singh $138
Alejandro Fabela $138
Herbert Gonzalez $138
Diane D\'Amore $138
Michael Fitzgerald $138
John Jenkinson $138
Jose Quintero $125
Jose Quintero $125
Joseph Fracchiolla $105
Howard Levine $100
Wangchuk D Shakabpa $100
Dominick Varsalone $100
Edgar Vargas $100
Misty Melgoza $100
Wangchuk D Shakabpa $100
Giles Kemp $100
Kevin Raslowsky $100
Joseph Hom $100
John Leonardo $100
Howard Levine $100
Dominick Varsalone $100
John McLellan $100
Scott Van Ness $100
Kathy Ahearn-O’Brien $100
Daniel Pacori $100
Alberto Billini $100
Joseph Hom $100
Anonymous $100
Jose Fajardo $100
Nicholas Tjartjalis $100
John J McEniry $100
Anonymous $100
Stuart Chirichella $100
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $100
Jeffrey James $100
Pablo Salinas $100
Vilma Shakabpa $100
Alberto Billini $100
Norman Kasser $100
Edgar Vargas $100
Wanda Moreno $100
Kristoffer De Lara $100
Kathy Ahearn-O’Brien $100
Christopher Metcalfe $100
Joseph Patti $100
Kevin Raslowsky $100
Christopher Metcalfe $100
David Rodriguez $100
Derrick Alba $100
Norman Kasser $100
Charles Starner $100
Ruben Antonetti $100
Anonymous $100
Misty Melgoza $100
Izzy Jimenez $100
Jose Fajardo $100
Anonymous $100
Pablo Salinas $98
John McLellan $98
Nicholas Babalis $98
John Sorto $98
Paresh Mundade $98
Nicholas Tjartjalis $98
Julian Grant $98
David Rodriguez $98
Luis Carrillo $98
steve stilman $98
Charles Starner $98
Margaret Renzi $98
Jeff James $98
Sivasubbarayan Srinivasan $98
maggie renzi $98
Jason Martin $98
Daniel Ryan $98
Arianna Bocco $98
Patricia Barber $98
Paul Forsythe $98
Matthew Stypa $98
Peter Capizzi $98
Bharti Nixon $98
Sandra Houston $98
Colette Winters $98
D’Amore-Morrison Family $98
Jimmy Fernandez $98
Kenneth Nielsen $98
Rick Pal $98
Benjamin Jarnagin $98
Jeff James $98
Andrew Kaleiwahea $98
Ivonne Droz $98
Daniel Tran $98
Sandra Urato $98
Peter Capizzi $98
Sean Hudson $98
Angel Amaro $98
Dilip Khadye $98
Giles Kemp $98
Bash Sharma $98
Patricia Larocca $98
Arianna Bocco $98
Vipul Patel $98
Regina Sabini $98
Robert Gleason $98
John Leonardo $98
Aji Varghese $98
Patrick Bocco $98
Josh Ofrane $98
Barry Fox $98
Daniel Pacori $80
Geraldine Botwinick $75
Richard Lugo $75
Anonymous $52
Andrew Kaleiwahea $52
Gino Cortes $52
Richard Leong $51
Paul Forsythe $51
James Ward $51
john see trusz $51
Rajesh Munshi $51
Scott Bowker $51
Shreyasi Das $51
Jose Robles $51
Suzanna Brehoczky $51
Sandra Houston $51
Tamar Owens $51
Anonymous $51
Anonymous $51
David Rosso $51
David Rosso $51
Dwight Peavy $51
Nancy Guilliani $51
Frank Solano $51
Joe Quintero $51
John DiChristina $51
Stephen Grossman $51
Cynthia Gonzalez $51
Jose Robles $51
Mike Finesilver $51
Tamar Owens $51
Anonymous $51
Apoorv Agarwal $51
David Berrios-Rodriguez $51
Dorian Zahka $51
Justin Murty $51
Bristol Myers Squibb Matching $51
Anonymous $51
Kenneth Nielsen $51
Terrence Maliff $51
Gino Cortes $51
Antonio Mastromauro $51
Nancy Guilliani $51
Fred Versaci $51
Maresa D’Amore-Morrison $51
Sonali Soni $51
Sandra Urato $51
Jodi Riccardi $51
Saribel Perez Colon $51
John Stanczak $51
Adam Sobol $51
Steven Michael Zografos $51
Ellen Jacobs $51
Michael Brouse $51
Abraham Soto $51
Rebecca Perkins $51
Dr. Rosalinda De La Rosa Piantieri $51
Suzanna Brehoczky $51
Steven Herrick $51
Scott Bowker $51
Theresa Hunt $51
Linda Ivory-Green $51
Dan Westervelt $51
Crispina Mirasol $51
Anonymous $51
Golda Sahayam $51
james toy $51
Anonymous $51
Satwick Sharma $51
Anonymous $51
Robert Holzberg $51
james toy $51
Laura Vasquez $51
Jack Fanning $51
Jimmie Dillon $51
Anonymous $51
Ru Stevens $51
Jill Mormino $51
Fred Versaci $51
Anonymous $51
Annette Collins $51
Ivonne Droz $50
Anonymous $50
Mark Carter $50
rachel hager $50
David Berman $50
Barry Viola $50
Barry Viola $50
Donna Smith $50
Apoorv Agarwal $50
Lori Sonenblum $50
Loretta Argiro $50
Frank Solano $50
Lawrence Gershberg $50
John DiChristina $50
Dr. Rosalinda De La Rosa Piantieri $49
Anonymous $47
Sue Sabol-Molochnick $40
Anonymous $40
Brian Esposito $40
Carol Busse $40
Brian Esposito $35
Sally Nadler $35
James Ward $35
Paulette Heath $35
Paulette Heath $35
Matthew Lee-Renert $35
Sally Nadler $35
Alejandro Iglesias $35
Jaime Rodriguez $30
David Brown $30
Robert Julian $25
Jake Corbet $25
Rudy Rocha $25
Michele Giordano $25
Jason Van de ven $25
Alexandra Halper $25
Anonymous $25
Randy Price $25
Olga Hernandez $25
Jim Damore $25
Florence Pape $25
Sherri Rase $25
Matthew Willis $25
William Price $25
Jake Corbet $25
Golda Sahayam $25
Luis Ornelas $25
Randy Price $25
John Mannion $25
Jack Zatz $25
Rex Ogle $25
Denise Albanese $25
Dwight Peavy $25
Lisa Yannetta $25
Sherri Rase $25
Michele Giordano $25
Sean O\'Callaghan $25
Xiaofeng Liu $25
Mike Finesilver $25
Anonymous $25
Denise Albanese $25
Norbey Aguirre $25
Todd Perkins $25
Paula Toynton $25
Anonymous $25
Nicole Ciccariello $25
Dorian Zahka $25
Luis Ornelas $25
Sheila Trapp $25
Pema S $25
Joseph Pedragon $25
Deepak Arora $25
C Perry $24
Theresa Borrelli $20
Anonymous $20
Elias Duran $20
Geetanjali Ramdeo $20
Jennifer Smith-Camejo $20
Eric Breese $20
Devabrat Kumar $20
Anonymous $20
Anonymous $20
Marcelino Jimenez $20
Anonymous $15

CRY America Impact